What if, after all, we still, somehow, have two or three years to be willing to transform? Willingly undergo an evolution where there is no turning back. An awakening into a way of living for the benefit of the whole. What if, after all, willingness has a power we have been missing, a power that is enough for the moment? The goodness of saying yes to life, without any idea of what is going to unfold... knowing the quality but not knowing the quantities of what we are signing on to... Knowing the goodness beyond right and wrong, and saying yes...letting all our cells say yes, letting what is beyond biology in us say yes... The goodness of yes to the goodness beyond right and wrong. And how natural that yes is. Let's get on with it all. Meditation. Practicing what we haven't practiced: Joy. Gratitude. Belonging. Being loved. Our big vast hearts like seas of love, of presence. Appreciating, but also expressing that delight. Quiet. Not going after what is unnecessary.
Loving what is loving of life.
And...as for all that interpersonal distress we are tangled in,
over our heads in.
Let's get on with disentangling.
go of the petty,
saying no
as well as yes
from love,
from care, from daring
to love life,
and to be here as you are.
To let life love you, as you are.
If you're into spiritual practice but have the funny feeling, or those glaring situations, that suggest you may need some psychotherapy...here are two conversations with Dan Brown, a long-time meditator (in the Tibetan Bon and Buddhist traditions) and a Harvard psychology professor. Please don't be turned off by the interviewer's non-meditative approach--thank you, Dave Asprey, for bringing us these precious conversations. Brown gives a short, clear description of how he observes the roots of psychological warps and tangles, and simple directions for going about finding a therapist who matches your needs. To get on with the work there, in a way that can be thorough and effective within months or a year or so. https://daveasprey.com/daniel-brown-718/
Thanks to Jessica Kerwin Jenkins for sharing these interviews. And, what if, after all, what has been missing is all about celebration AND doing things well and properly and thoroughly? All about how we can be even more rigorous and complete from a place of love. All about letting life be freely itself--solid and transparent, weird and wonderful, intimate and vast, temporary and boundless.