ashe d. phoenix of Tenderfire Media has envisioned, created and gifted us with a podcast series sharing highlights of our informal conversations on Dharma and life over the last couple of months. Check out all six audios already on tenderfire or enjoy the anticipation as it comes out periodically on spotify and elsewhere.
The podcast name, Dharmacosm, is a word I made up years ago in Dharmaloca...I have been savoring it until starting to use the name for some of my more recent adventures in art, Dharma and community. On my youtube channel, you can already watch all six episodes of the first set ~ named "First Fire of the Season" in honor of one of my Gertrude cartoons. Feel free to subscribe to the channel so you'll know when the next set of episodes breaches.
I love how ashe has integrated Gertrude into the podcast graphics...seeing Gertrude fly across the screen before each episode gives a lift.
So many thanks to you, ashe, for all this generosity.