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Images and body language can bring teachings and meditations alive

Check out Jaya's youtube channel for short guided meditations

and Dharma talks from a few minutes up to an hour long.

gertrude up.jpg

Dharmacosm's first episode!
Join Jaya and ashe from
explore whether there's enough room for everything,
even things we don't like.
This is a six part playlist called First Fire.

The first in a series of tips for beginning to meditate. Filmed in 2022.

How Meditation Heals You - An Interview with Catherine Carrigan,

on the UK Natural Healing radio show. Filmed in December, 2021

Simple meditation with Jaya Ashmore: Allowed to be and to know what is important. 3:19 minutes

The first part of a Dharma talk on a Deep Rest Retreat in 2012.
Filmed by Evan Walker.

Every day

I see or hear


that more or less

kills me

with delight,

that leaves me

like a needle

in the haystack

of light.

It was what I was born for -

to look, to listen,

to lose myself

inside this soft world -

to instruct myself

over and over

in joy, and acclamation.

~ Mary Oliver (US, 1935-2019),

from “Mindful,” Why I Wake Early

Guided Meditation, 2012, 10:22 minutes

Kabir Hess Remembering the empty, the ea

Mother tongue:

to the child just born


If I were eloquent in your language

I would try to tell you


how it is

when something difficult loves you,


how it is
when you begin to love it back,


how this can

cost you everything.


~Lucille Clifton (US, 1965-2010), 
The Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton

Ground art: Hamsaji's kollam ground art inspires Jaya's reflections trust and the spiritual path 4:35  minutes

"I was so surprised by how real it felt with the video and audio connection.

I feel really touched."

~Nanda, Holland

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