Meditating together "Work and play: inner and outer change"
8 meditations
Join one or all live sessions Listen to one or all of the recordings Just receive links to the sessions or to the recordings Or join the online forum to share insights, questions, struggles, artwork, links, music, good company, etc. "I am continually surprised how 'live' it feels, and how relevant the words and themes Jaya brings in." ~participant

Teachings offered on a donation basis. Organizational fee: sliding scale of $25-50 for regular participation joining the online forum. Or $50-75 for receiving links directly in your email.
Application form here: Email with questions. The dates and times of live sessions are given in UT+1:
Monday, February 18th at 11am
Wednesday, February 20th at 9.30am
Monday, February 25th at 10.15am
Thursday, February 28th at 1pm
Saturday, March 2nd at 7pm
Wednesday, March 6th at 9.30am
Monday, March 11th at 1pm
Thursday, March 14th at 1pm