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Working with mind-states, moods and emotions

Like colored glasses, mind-states or emotions affect our experience.  The world feels very different when we are angry or at ease.


Mind-states can be either wholesome, like generosity and kindness, or unwholesome, like fear and cruelty.  All unwholesome mind-states can be traced back to greed, hatred, and delusion, which come up out of a sense of lack.


Mind-states are like weather passing through the "sky" of our minds.  Some appear stormy; others are light.  They are all visitors to our awareness.  We do not invite them.  They come and go by themselves.


Whether the mind-states are pleasant or unpleasant, our practice is the same: being aware of them as passing experiences—here and gone, not solid, not able to be grasped. A wonder, a human experience.
Notice how body sensations, feeling-tones, and mind-states interact in your experience.


Our entire task in meditation is not to "identify" with mind-states or anything else that is changing.  This means not claiming mind-states as "me" or "mine," not "owning" them or thinking they are special.


May our practice and our lives be dedicated to the momentum of awakening for all,

including ourselves.


 Images and text not attibuted to others are  (c)Jaya Julienne Ashmore, 2017

Designed by Sahar Rokah

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